Stadium & Place Of Worship




Stadiums – Be it Outdoor or Indoor Stadiums, error due to acoustical miscalculation are noticeable particularly related with echo or flutter echo, sound delay, poor speech intelligibility, sound clarity, high background noise and reverberation. Hence, acoustic treatments can be focused to control those reflected sound energy by refining the properties of the area required in order to suppress the disturbances and other noises.


 Place Of Worship

Place of Worship – Un denying the fact that the single most priority of any worship service is to communicate the message through prayers. Through thoughtful sermons, awe-inspiring architecture, transcendent musical performances, congregational singing and moments of introspection and prayer. But there can be issues of frequency imbalance, sound isolation, stage volume / resonance with the existing audio system, slapback / flutter echo and excessive reverberation too in the environment. Addressing the acoustical issues in your worship space can seem like a daunting task; but there are professionals out there who are willing to help, and tools that are cost effective and aesthetically pleasing. Clear, intelligible sound is possible with the right plan and execution. Once these acoustical issues that stand in the way are solved, it will be much easier to carry your task of enriching the soul.